Monday, April 4, 2011

Went to the show_Infinite Variety

Eve, my friend/ co-worker, who is into knitting and who actually knits beautiful beautiful things let me know about this one week show in Armory's. Title of the show itself, Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts, sounded so intriguing, it moved my lazy butt to the exhibition.

I went on the last day of the show and as I approached near the Armory's, surprisingly many people were walking towards the same direction to the Armory's (and it was Wednesday afternoon!). As I stepped into the entrance, I realized why. The scene unfolded in front of my eyes was absolutely exhilarating. I cannot describe better than that. Quilts were just so amazing, displayed beautifully, hanging from the ceilings. I didn't expect them to be that large, but the quilts were very gigantic and amazingly beautiful with ALL DIFFERENT patters. "Infinite Variety" seemed to be the perfect title for the show.

I am so glad I caught the show before they closed.
Plus, I got to see this amusing public installation, The Roses, by Will Ryman along the Park avenue actually on the divider on the road.
What made it much more pleasant was that, if you were walking south to north, before you actually saw the gigantic roses, you would start to notice petals of roses first on the road. Then after couple of blocks, you would see the roses then you would realize what those petals were about.


  1. infinite variety-yes, just right word for the show, further for this universe!
    every quilt, rose, tree leaf, snow flake, man and woman - unique, filling its own niche.
    let's rejoice and be glad.

  2. Thinking of all the things which are infinite is quite amazing. :-)
