Friday, April 29, 2011

D.I.Y. Table of Your Own

Sometime last week, when it was pouring outside,
I was working at my desk on the drawing DREAM #1, for the group show (that my friends and I are hoping to arrange) in December. Having artist's block, I looked for something more energetic than sitting at the desk and staring at my drawing.

So this happened.

I had a 4 - year- old, boring looking, but very useful tea table from IKEA. This.

Sadly, it got a lot of scars. Like this.

I decided to cover the surface. (I actually was never bothered by those scratches, but I just needed to do something. Also I needed a little more funner table.)
I took out my old New Yorkers. I was gonna use their covers. I was determined to use my favorite artist's, Jean-Jacques Sempé's works. (On top of the pile here.)

...But, somehow I ended up using my own illustrations. I loved New Yorker's covers, but I didn't like all the same size images. At the same time, I didn't want to cut them down to many different sizes, so I decided to save them. Instead, I pulled out the misprinted illustrations of mine and used them. They were going to trash because colors did not come out right while I was using the printer. But now here they are after a lot of gluing and several layers of varnishing.

With fruits and coffees on top. Yum..

It did not turn out to be super pretty, but I like it. Actually surface is not that even because I'm terrible at gluing. But now, after only a few days, I cannot see the surface anyway...

It was fun. :-)


  1. Oh, what a lovely table it came out - with a cute, little boy keep tumbling at the corner!!
    just love it.

    On it I see which coffe is for who^^ and smile...

    also over the top of the table already covered with your everyday stuff, the original beauty barely seen.

  2. Thank you! :-D
    I wish I can actually build the entire piece of furniture on my own, but I don't think my personality would fit for that. Too clumsy..hehe
