Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Day before Holidays

On Thanksgiving:

1. To my plain greeting "Happy thanksgiving,"at the end of the email, she wrote me back "Happy Gobble Gobble to you!" I was so amused. :)

2. Against my expectation that the printshop would be very slow right before the holiday weekends, it was more crowded than usual. Had to squeeze in to find a spot to ink my plate. One very delightful eavesdropping made me smile though.

...conversation on thanksgiving plan.
Student: It seems like no one is really talking about what they are thankful for.
Teacher: Let's hear what you are thankful for.
Student: Mmm....I'm really thankful that my parents are helping me out to go to college. It is extremely expensive. And I'm thankful that I can be an artist and do what I want to do.

3. In the meantime, there will be a happy gobble gobble tomorrow! There would be a lot of cleaning and cooking and another cleaning going on. Happy Thanksgiving for everyone! ;)


  1. Just thinking of you & your sis, we're so grateful.

    wish you have joyful feast on this special day.
    Happy Thanksgiving, dear!!

    ...and to the happy-looking dolphins, too.
    they already seem to be in heaven at sea.

  2. Do they gobble gobble the flowers?
    They should be good whales.
